Faringdon former chair people

The person responsible back in 1973 was Brig. Denis Warburton Jackson (known fondly as Jacko) who persuaded residents of Buckland village also to join the cause.

The inaugural committee meeting was held in July that year when Jacko was elected as Chairman and joined by 12 local committee members. The area stretched to Shrivenham, Stanford in Vale, Radcot and Southmoor and included all villages in the catchment.

Jacko died in 2001 aged 86. His widow Betty passed away in early 2023, aged 101.

Jacko was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in January 1938 in the Royal West Kent Regiment and promoted to Lt. Col. in 1944 and Brigadier in 1962. He retired in 1964.
While on active service in 1944 he was involved in the Arnhem battle and jumped in as a Para.

Jacko and Betty had a cruising yacht which they lived on for long periods sailing throughout Europe and the Mediterranean as well as further afield.

After Jacko’s passing on the Chairperson responsibility was taken on board by Helen Tytler who was a go-to person to get things done. Her husband Ian was very much involved as staff in Shrivenham Defence Academy. Between them they kept a steady helm on our travels.

Helen was largely responsible for the Sea Dog Saunter which raised many thousands of pounds but unfortunately died a few years later and was shortly followed by her husband who never got over her loss.

Joy Farebrother
Joy was persuaded to take over but retired after 2-3 years.

Lt-Col Stanley Ball, another Army veteran, who had also taught at the Defence Academy before retiring, took over from Joy.
Stanley was a lovely man who had lost his wife Janet to cancer many years previously. He had boundless enthusiasm and was always at the front of all functions but passed away in 2015, aged 82.

Denis Pope
Having served on committee since 1983 and been elected secretary in 1984, with there being no one willing to take up the post as Chairman, this position was absorbed into Denis's various other responsibilities around 2021 only for Dave Thompson to take the post in 2023.

Former journalist Dave set up a website for the branch with the help of son Chris and with a couple of new faces on board is confident of a positive future, starting with the RNLI bi-centenary this year.