‘Sir Winston and Lady Clementine’ drop by.

Tim Hayes and his sister Steph.

Chair Dave.

Dave's wife, Jean.

John Makeham


Two days at Blenheim Palace on the last weekend in June raised £360 -- and were marked by a surreal appearance from Sir Winston Churchill and his wife Clementine !!

Chair Dave says: "It was quite a shock. He said how much he admired the RNLI and I said we were most grateful for all he achieved in World War Two !!"

Winston was in fact Stan Streather, an uncanny lookalike whose brilliant mannerisms and speech make for a most convincing doppelganger.

Stan is available for appearances globally and has a noted link-up with Blenheim which is where the real Churchill was born and where he proposed to Clementine.

Dave says: "It was a great weekend all round and special thanks go to John Makeham, Tim Hayes and his sister Steph as well as my wife Jean who all helped run the stall.

"And thanks also go to the Blenheim Estate for granting us two full days at a site of our choice by the entrance to the main courtyard. Loads of footfall !"